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Classification of pressure gauges

Hits:Updated:2019-11-12 10:11:56【Print】

There are several classifications of pressure gauges. What are the differences and characteristics?
Pressure gauge according to its measurement accuracy: can be divided into precision pressure gauges, general pressure gauges. The precision measurement grades of precision pressure gauges are 0.1, 0.16, 0.25, and 0.4, respectively. The measurement accuracy grades of general pressure gauges are 1.0, 1.6, 2.5, and 4.0, respectively.
The pressure gauge is different according to the reference pressure: it is divided into general pressure gauge, absolute pressure gauge and differential pressure gauge. The general pressure gauge is based on atmospheric pressure. The absolute pressure gauge is based on the absolute pressure zero. The differential pressure gauge measures the difference between the two measured pressures.
The pressure gauge according to its measurement range: divided into vacuum gauge, pressure vacuum gauge, differential gauge, low pressure gauge, medium pressure gauge and high pressure gauge. The vacuum gauge is used to measure the pressure value less than atmospheric pressure, the pressure vacuum gauge is used to measure the pressure value less than and greater than the atmospheric pressure, the micro pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure value less than 60000PA, and the low pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure value of 0~6MPA. The medium pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure value of 10~60MPA, and the high pressure gauge is used to measure the pressure value above 100MPA.
The pressure gauge is divided according to its display mode: pointer pressure gauge and digital pressure gauge.
Ordinary pressure gauges, shock-resistant pressure gauges, and stainless steel pressure gauges are all general pressure gauges.


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